Please check back soon to learn more about the exciting initiatives and activities our School Council is undertaking to enhance the educational experience and support our school community.
Notre Dame Catholic Elementary School
238 Brantwood Park Road,
Brantford, ON,N3P 1N9
519-756-2288 | Zone: 4
Principal: | Danielle Becks |
Secretary: | Tiffany Hotte |
Michelle Toste |
Trustee: Rick Petrella
Bill Chopp
Bell Times
School Start : 9:00am
First Nutrition Break : 10:40am – 11:20am
Second Nutrition Break : 1:00pm – 1:40pm
School Dismissal : 3:20pm
Please check back soon to learn more about the exciting initiatives and activities our School Council is undertaking to enhance the educational experience and support our school community.